1. Schedule a vet appointment with in 3 days of having your puppy home.
2. Baxter&Bella online puppy school, puppy prep intro and the prep unit are extremely useful to get ready for your puppy to come home. It's a lifetime membership for a one time fee, don't forget the coupon code JUSTDOODLELOVE to save 25% for a savings of $59.50 off your price.
3. The day before picking up your puppy call Trupanion Pet Insurance. To sign your pet up for 30 days of free pet insurance. Having pet insurance during this adjustment period is beneficial to you. Call 855-266-2156 and use code BR1JD63020
4. TLC puppy/dog food is what we feed all our dogs and puppies. It is important that you order your puppy food before your puppy comes home, use the link below to save $5 off your order. If you want to change his/her food I suggest waiting 9 weeks before switching to a new food. If you do decide to switch gradually transition over by adding the new food a little at a time.
5. Water and food dishes
6. Leash
7. Collar and or harness
8. Crate, I recommend 36 inch wire crate with a divider to section it off while the pup is small and make the crate bigger as the puppy grows.
9. Puppy play pen to attach to crate for when you have to be gone for a long period of time.
10. Dog bed
11. Puppy shampoo
12. Dog brush
13. Toys(soft&hard), balls, bones (no rawhide), treat toys, kongs (if using people food read labels for Xylitol, its deadly for dogs)
14. Fence, we use petsafe wireless invisible fence. This is a good option if you don't want a regular fence. Keep in mind you can't start training until pups 4 months old.
15. enzyme based, pet specific cleaner