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Lexi is a F1 goldendoodle. She was born October 10, 2018. She has a nice non shedding wavy coat. Lexi is medium size weighing 40lbs. She has a very friendly personality, which reminds me of a golden retriever. She is sweet, obedient and playful.
Piper is a F1B Goldendoodle. She is Lexi's daughter and was born on March 25th, 2021. Piper has a nice fluffy, easy-to-groom, non-shedding wavy coat. She is a medium-sized Goldendoodle weighing 35lbs. Piper is playful, friendly, and well-behaved. She is a potential future Just Doodle Love Mom (pending health testing results).
Dam (Retired)
Bailey is now retired and continues to live with us and help us raise our puppies.
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